Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Stuff you WILL miss from America if you go to Argentina

1. High Fructose Corn Syrup. We aren´t aware of how dependent we are on it, but when I got here I went through withdrawal a bit. It was intense.
2. Spicy food of any kind. These guys are not in a tropical climate, therefore they have no use for any sort of spices, including regular black pepper. But don´t worry, there´s more than enough salt for everyone.
3. Variety of choices to eat. All they serve in restaurants are empanadas and pizzas. Oh, and ham and cheese sandwiches. Their idea of variety is "Do you want ham and cheese on toasted bread, french bread or a pita?" If you´re lucky it´ll have some more traditional dishes, but those are expensive.
4. Being able to walk around in your pajamas.
5. Being able to put your feet up on a chair (it´s rude)
6. Junk food. I mean, crackers and chips and anything else we eat. There are crackers here, but they´re not at all palatable.
7. Your TV shows. Not a problem for me, but some people really care about that.
8. having an early dinner
9. Squirrels. They don´t have any small mammals here. except for rats, probably. But, I miss watching little squirrely antics.
10. Not needing to watch that you don´t step in dog poop everywhere you go
11. Resale stores. They don´t have them here, I gotta buy any new clothes at full price. =[ hahaha

That´s all I can think of right now. :D

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