Tuesday, July 26, 2011

pictures part hootenanny

So, family emergency stuff has had me kind of busy, plus I´ve been busy with othr stuff. Heree´s pics from the last few weeks, or so:

My first llama in the feria de mataderos

Argentinian folk dancers

Notice how similar the Uruguayan flag (right) is to the Argentinian flag (left). It´s an extra province of Buenos aires, like New Jersey is an extra suburb of new york.

public art

So remember how I saw Chicago graffitti´d near the Obelisk? It turns out that the neighborhood there they call Mataderos, is basically the slaughterhouse of Buenos Aires where everyone from the country brings their cattle to get slaughtered, so it´s called Nueva Chicago. And they have an athletic club, nd sports team, and everything

Here´s their symbol--Club Atletica de Nueva CHicago

This bird does something cool.

If this weren´t so blurry, you´d be lik ¨wow that´s cool¨
an orangey version of the yellow breasted bastard, so named because of its yellowy breast and the fact that I can´t get a good picture of the bastard

This is art from the subte station at J. Hernandez, it´s by a famous Argentinian painter, I don´t remember who right now

This is my favorite in that station, called La Musica

Part of the statue in Plaza Italia

this is from that one building by Plaza de Mayo, with the torch, from before? Yeah that´s a cathedral, and also has the tomb of General San Martin, who helped Argentina gain independence.


This was an action shot of the Changing of the Guards. They have guards outside of the room with San Martin´s tomb, and they have a whole official ceremony when they change guards.

The... I don´t know the Christian word for Bima. Alter?

Statue in front of the tomb of San Martin.

on the ceiling

Also on the Bima/alter: statue of Virgin Mary

This is in Puerto Madero, it´s Puenta de la Mujer (bridge of the woman). This is basically the super gentrified and now very upscale part of town

awesome sphere sculpture in Puerto Madero

This was in the cemetary of Recoleta, the very cool place. As is my luck, I took like six pictures and my batteries died. =/

This was written over the entrance, on the inside

See, the fancy shmancy tombs are organized into a little mini city

including stray cats!

Jolly Rogers, because why not? I don´t actually know if this guy was a pirate, but it wouldn´t surprise me that one of the most influential and wealthy Argentinians was a pirate.

Top part

Bottom part
It was this guy´s family´s tomb

plaques of the grave of Evita Peron

lots of flowers for her

This was in the beautiful church near the Cemetary

Pictures from Colonia, Uruguay (2 hours of fun sight seeing and a 4 hour nap in the buquebus station)

The boat was like a ginormous airplane in the layout



That one really neat expensive apartment building

light house

Our boat looked like this only bigger

ooh, ahh

Here begins The old colony of the sacrement, is what it translates to. But, this was at the beginning of the town.

This town actually looks more South American

notice the steep hills

there were old cars all over the place--some were still in use

Climbing cactus?!?

Theres the Rio Plata

Uruguayan license plate. Also, Studebaker.

neat flowers

we stumbled upon a football game! hre´s the crowd

and the players

a beach. Not quite Floridian, but much nicer than argentinian beaches

cool structure you can see from the dock

A restaurant

Me, being a boss

All of these pictures were taken from the top of a light house, the only other interesting thing to do in Colonia. It was a ery quiet and chill place, therefore boring.

the ground below

possibly the coolest part of Colonia--a huge chess set, made out of plastic soda bottles and other garbage.

I love the knights.

the city gates--because it´s at such a risk for invasion

ruins on the other side of the lighthouse

This was a reproduction of an Authentic Portuguese house. The Uruguayans were always confused because they kept switching between being controlled by the Spanish and the Portuguese, so they have influence from both. My mom would have loved this, but it cost money, so we didn´t do it


stray dog that followed us like fifteen blocks

a park in palermo

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