Friday, July 29, 2011

Nerd is a universal language... Botanical garden

So the Botanical garden is definitely my absolute favorite thing in BsAs. I can´t even nerd enough about how awesome it is. Like, just looking through the pictures again makes me incredibly happy.

I only got about a sixth of the plants there, then my camera batteries died. I plan on going back many many times. If something says Flia, that´s an abbreviation for Familia, which is its taxonomical family. I got a picture of what sign says the plant is, then the plant. They were organized by family in some places, and kind of clumped randomly in other places.
Also, srew blogspot for making this 80 times more difficult that it has to be.

Note the awesome green spots on the outsides of the petals

Look at this monocot, with its petals in multiples of threes...

And for the record, it literally took 40 minutes for me to get them just in the right order and figure out how stupid blogspot works, that´s not including the hour or so it took to upload the photos. PLEASE ENJOY THEM