Friday, November 4, 2011

I´ve been busy,,, more pics from Iguazu/that area

So we went to the part where you can see Argentina, Paraguay and brazil. They´re separated by rivers.

commemorating 100 years of upholding limits

to the left: Paraguay. To the right: Brazil. Foreground: Argentina

See the little blue and green and yellow thing? That´s their obelisk on the brazilian side

and the red, white and blue of the Paraguayan side

This is cool: the Parana (which runs from between paraguay and brazil to between paraguay and argentina) is the clear blue, and the Iguazu (between brazil and Argentina) is the brown, so when they meet up it makes a border.

The bus that we took to go to the Guarani village. Those are the indigenous people of the region

their garden

the rain forest path we went on

the whatchamacallit for grinding grains

part of their traditional houses

This was a trap, they would cover it with leaves, then when something stepped on it the trap would be set.

another trap

a trap that makes the horizontal heavy log fall on the animal´s head/neck

The Guarani children that sang us some songs

I bought souveneirs and gave them to various people. Toucan






another toucan

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